
Aptitude Tests 2020/2021 – Sabaragamuwa University

Home » Aptitude Test Exams » Aptitude Tests 2020/2021 – Sabaragamuwa University

Dead Line Extended >> 2021.06.15

The Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka invites applications for aptitude tests Academic Year 2020/2021 for undergraduate degree programs. Online applications are hereby called for the Aptitude Tests to select candidates for admission to the following degree programs.

Aptitude Tests

  1. B.Sc. (Honours) Sport Sciences & Management
  2. B.Sc. (Honours) Physical Education

Before fill online application, read and understand instructions.

Please read the guidelines and information provided above before filling the application Use a desktop or laptop computer to fill this application. You must have an active personal mobile number and active email address to proceed with the application process. (All relevant messages, verification code and admission will send to the email or mobile number that you provide) You must have the scanned copies (JPG or PNG format) of the following documents before filling the online application.

  1. Colour Photograph in passport size
  2. Both Sides National Identity Card (NIC)
  3. Payment Voucher (approved by BOC)
  4. Bank Slip(Green slip/ Online receipt) *Rs. 1000/- (One programme) or Rs. 1500/- (Both programmes)
  5. Sports certificates (2016 to 2020): maximum ten certificates** highest ten achievements covering two or more Sports/events
  6. An affidavit, if any

Source: Sabaragamuwa University official website

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