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MSc in Mathematics Education – UoC

Home » University Courses » MSc in Mathematics Education – UoC

The MSc in Mathematics Education program prepares students to teach mathematics competently at the middle and secondary school levels. It has a strong emphasis on mathematics content and the role of psychology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. It is designed to provide necessary skills, including the use of manipulatives, virtual environments, computer algebra systems and ICT in the classroom, and content and pedagogical knowledge for mathematics teachers who are in service as well as recent graduates who wish to embark on a rewarding career teaching mathematics here or abroad. It provides opportunities for in service teachers to reflect on their existing practice and engage in extended academic study to support their practice and their continuing professional development. This program also gives an opportunity to others to study mathematics education at the master’s level.


  • A Bachelor of Science with Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics or Mathematics as a subject


  • any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the senate of the University of Colombo.

The candidates will be selected based on an interview and/or written examination.

Course Fees:

LKR 250,000/-
Application Fee: LKR 2,000/-
Course Fee: 250,000/- (Subject to change)

*The course fees cannot be paid in installments. However, students are eligible for the Bank of Ceylon Comprehensive Educational Loan Scheme.

Apply Online:

Deadline for Online Application: 31st of October, 2021

More Info:

University of Colombo
University of Moratuwa
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
University of Kelaniya
University of Peradeniya
University of Ruhuna
University of Jaffna
Open University
Uva Wellassa University
Rajarata University
Ocean University
Wayamba University