
MSc in Artificial Intelligence

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Application are invited from interested candidates for MSc in Artificial Intelligence 2025, Offred by Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa.


  • The Honours Degree of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology or the Honours Degree of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Management of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. OR
  • The Honours Degree of the Bachelor of the Science of Engineering of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in a relevant field of specialization as may be approved by the Senate. OR
  • A four-year degree from a recognized university in Information Technology/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or any other related field may be approved by the Senate. OR
  • A four-year Honors Degree from a recognized university in a relevant field with a minimum of one year of appropriate experience as may be approved by the Senate. OR
  • A three-year degree from a recognized university in a relevant field with a minimum of two years of appropriate experience may be approved by the Senate. OR


  • Duration – 02 Years
  • Mode – Online
  • Lectures – weekends


  • Sri Lankan Student – LKR 650,000/=
  • International Student – USD 4,000/=

Closing date for application – 22nd Septmeber 2024

Website –

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University of Colombo
University of Moratuwa
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
University of Kelaniya
University of Peradeniya
University of Ruhuna
University of Jaffna
Open University
Uva Wellassa University
Rajarata University
Ocean University
Wayamba University