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Clarendon Scholarships – University of Oxford – 2023

Home » Clarendon » Clarendon Scholarships – University of Oxford – 2023

Oxford Clarendon Scholarships 2023 in the Uk provide an outstanding opportunity to academically brilliant students from around the globe. The Clarendon grant makes extraordinary students to study in Oxford for free.

Quick facts about Clarendon:

  1. You will be automatically considered for Clarendon if you apply by the December or January deadline, whichever is relevant to your course. You do not need to submit a separate application.
  2. Clarendon offers fully-funded scholarships covering course fees, as well as a grant for living expenses for the period of fee liability.
  3. There are no restrictions on nationality, ordinary residence or field of study. All full-time and part-time DPhil and Master’s courses are eligible.
  4. Clarendon scholars are selected for their outstanding academic merit and potential.
  5. Clarendon scholarships are highly competitive.

Host University: University of Oxford
Degree Level: Master’s Degree Program and DPhil Degree Program/PhD
Subject Area: Students can apply in any subject with no restrictions.

Benefits of Clarendon Scholarships, UK:

The tuition fee for the master’s and DPhil will be covered.
Annual grants for living expenses of up to 15,609 will be granted to the students.
The scholars will become part of the Clarendon Scholar’s Association.
The scholars will be given access to symposia, cultural sites like theatres, and historic places.

Eligibility Criteria Oxford Clarendon Scholarships 2023 in the UK:

Students of any nationality, race, ethnicity, or gender can apply.
There is no subject restriction for this scholarship.
The student must get admission to Oxford University for a graduate degree (master’s or DPhil).
The students who are already doing master’s and want to study for another part-time master’s or another part-time DPhil at Oxford can also be eligible for scholarships. (The student must be currently studying at Oxford).
Post-graduate courses and diploma courses are not eligible.
Special considerations are given to the students who have potential academic reasons and aptitude to continue the selected courses.
A candidate should select the program of his/her interest.
All interested candidates are directed to first apply for admission to the masters or doctoral program of the university.
After applying for admission, the applicant would be automatically selected for the scholarship.

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